Customized IOT Board with ATmel328 and ESP12E wifi


This IOT Node/ kit can used in  any area either to monitor Agriculture, Irrigation, Solar monitoring, Tree Development monitoring, Industrial Sensor Monitoring, Machine Operation, Data Plotting, Data Grabbing, Data capturing, Security Solution or House Automation, monitor forests, weather broadcasting, trees monitoring, Industry monitoring, Campus monitoring etc that is related to Live data stream etc.

This board specification:

Kit Includes

  • IOT Node AVR Atmega328 board with builtin serial ESP8266 NodeMCU wifi
  • Adapter +12v 1A
  • TTL to UART Converter

Note:Special dedicated helpcode for the given hardware freely available with this product that will help to upload to data to Icloud Servers. A Firmware is already uploaded with This Development board with Unique ID.

Leadtime: 1 week

Available on backorder


The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical devices, vehicles, home appliances and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and connectivity which enables these objects to connect and exchange data.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is an environment, where sensors of any nature (Analog/ digital/ Serial in nature) or any people or any source that can provide data or node, will provide data with unique identifier to send data to icloud server from one node to another node either through GPRS/ ESP wifi/ NodeMCU or ZigBee, Xbee or RF IEEE Standard Protocols.

It can used in  any area either to monitor Agriculture, Irrigation, Solar monitoring, Tree Development monitoring, Industrial Sensor Monitoring, Machine Operations, Data Plotting, Data Grabbing, Data capturing, Security Solution or House Automation, monitor forests, weather broadcasting, trees monitoring, Industry monitoring, Campus monitoring etc that is related to Live data stream etc.

It can directly control or communicate through/ with icloud server or Mobile app with real time hardware.

Nutty Engineer is a Low cost IOT Solution Provider with Powerful tools to Industries, Companies, Universities, Colleges & direct to Consumers. We provides customized solution as per customer requirements from small scale to Research Level. SME has more than 100 Industrial clients in the field of Sensor, Wireless Sensor, RF IEEE Standard Protocol Communication, RF Smart Card Solution, 2.4GHz & 433 MHz BW, which capture, exchanges, action & control the devices.


  • Builtin NUTTYFI IoT Device
  • Builtin Arduino programming Socket
  • USB Programming & Bootloader interface with CH340 interface
  • Support & builtin FTDI Converter interface socket
  • Support & builtin CP2012 Converter interface socket
  • Inbuilt I2C Protocol interface
  • Inbuilt Serial Protocol interface
  • Inbuilt 4 UART Protocol interface
  • Inbuilt SPI Protocol interface
  • ATmel ISP Programming Interface
  • In depth learning with IOT with different types of sensor & actuators
  • Direct Interaction with Arduino IDE Platform & C Programming
  • Direct Interaction with ATmel AVR Studio & C Programming
  • Direct interfacing with Analog sensor with inbuilt 6 channel ADC
  • Direct interfacing with Digital sensor 20 channel digital output
  • Interfacing with Actuator
  • Building of LOCAL WEB SERVER
  • WAP hotspot
  • Local Web Server using ESP8266 12E
  • IOT Gateway over wifi
  • 20 Pin Connectors for external module interface
  • Cloud server configuration
  • Inbuilt Wifi Interfacing with live icloud servers
  • Direct interfacing with virtual serial display port to display local data
  • Learning & designing of Real time Our IOT Node & Applications
  • Wifi Inbuilt Application with Real time icloud
  • USB Interface
  • Local Server configuration
  • Inbuilt Serial Wifi IOT Gateway Interface
  • Directly Interfacing with ThingSpeakMathworks, The Open IoT Platform with MATLAB
  • Directly integrate with Cayenne’s IOT icloud GUI Dashboard: Cayenne is a drag-and-drop programming system for the IOT Devices.
  • Directly integrate with Blynk Mobile App. Blynk is a Platform with iOS and Android application (Android & ios) to control & communicate with IOT Nodes & Sensors through icloud with GUI Drag & Drop widget.



  • Introduction to Arduino platform and its interfacing with external devices
  • Introduction to NodeMCU platform and its interfacing with external devices
  • IoT based plant growth and Field parameters monitoring system in agricultural field
  • Internet of things based on forest fire monitoring in fire and safety field
  • Greenhouse monitoring and management system using IoT in environmental engineering
  • Heart rate and blood pressure monitoring system using Internet of things in the field of healthcare
  • IoT based electrical Appliances ON/OFF control system to automate home
  • Smart Energy metering using internet of things
  • IoT for Construction Equipment monitoring in construction site
  • Solar PV monitoring and control using IoT

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